
Government / Public service Stuart McNish Government / Public service Stuart McNish

Stephanie Cadieux – Becoming Canada’s first chief accessibility officer

Stephanie Cadieux knows what she wants to do and has found a way to do it. That in itself can be an elusive goal and it is not without difficulty. She knew that she wanted to make a difference, entering politics and putting herself in a position to help shape her community. But through a series of encounters and a lot of hard work, she has now found herself in one of the most meaningful roles in her life, as Canada’s first chief accessibility officer.

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Bonnie Henry – Protecting the health of BC

Bonnie Henry is one of today’s most well known public servants. After having a long career in medicine, including time spent with Canada’s naval service and overseas in Pakistan and Uganda, she became BC’s provincial health officer in 2018. Through her role, she monitors the health of all British Columbians and undertakes measures for disease prevention and control and health protection. Most notably, she entered the public spotlight as the voice of BC’s COVID-19 pandemic response, offering a steady hand in a very unsteady situation.

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